I will not lose to the rain. I will not lose to the wind




Though it was difficult and frustraring, I have made it to the airport safely. I will be flying to chicago shortly.

لن اخسر للمطر ولن اخسر للريح.

الرحلة للمطار كانت صعبة و عوار راس. لكن الحمد الله وصلت بخير. ان شاء الله راح نمشي إلى شيكاجو عن قريب.

Ying and Yang

I believe that there is 2 sides of every person. Actually I am not sure whether every person has this but I know I do. There is the bright side of me and the dark side. I mostly am on the bright side but there are times where my dark side comes for my rescue.. I say rescue because the bright side of me tries hard to be part of the social system, understandable, kind, abiding to the rules of the land. The dark side of me is the nomad.. the one that does not want to abide by any rules but wants to be the way he wants to be and do what he wants to do. I am glad that my dark side is part of me, it helps release the stress and anxiety and it helps me remember the core me.